7. When You Hear Of A Title Being Regarded As 'The Hardest Thing Ever', You Automatically Relish The Challenge
Because if you consider yourself anything even remotely near a fan of video games and you're yet to play a 'Souls game, it's like saying you enjoy thrill-seeking down the local theme park.
6. The Idea That Any Game From Your Childhood Isn't A Masterpiece Completely Slips Your Mind
Nostalgia is a fine thing, able to make the worst forays into questionable subject matter utterly acceptable, and smoothing over any cracks in the product that would otherwise haemorrhage enough matter to sink the whole endeavour. However what we all forget - and film buffs introducing newcomers to older films are guilty of this too - is that the myriad of problems that arise when trying looking at an older game through new eyes are enough to turn many off from the experience altogether.