16 Worst Video Game Levels Of The Decade (So Far)

13. Hotland - Undertale

undertale hotland
Toby Fox

I dare talk ill of the masterful Undertale? Well yes, because its final third - gameplay-wise - is pretty rote and just plain bad. I'm all for the story, characters, exploration and themes within (those parts are above and beyond almost anything else from 2015), but the Hotland level and its insistence on weird platforming is just jarring.

Honestly, every time Undertale tries to 'make like a video game', like the strange lever-pulling perspective puzzles at the start or here, with this sequence of jump-pads you have to hop between in a certain order, it sticks a great big brick wall in the way of your enjoyment.

Its greatest strengths lie within the narrative presentation of a monster community thriving below the surface, and whilst you can applaud Toby Fox for getting some more playable stuff in there, for me, I'd rather he didn't.

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