17 Best Video Game Covers Of All-Time

1. Portal (2007)

Why It's Great: The Portal cover proves that the congested, colourful video game covers aren€™t necessarily the most effective. Valve€™s game€™s cover utilises a limited colour palette and an incredibly simple design but is nonetheless the best video game cover of all time. The artwork is basically just a logo on the game€™s box but its beauty is in its simplicity and €“ by extension €“ its ability to be instantly recognised. Portal 2 would also feature a great cover though it was lacked the minimalism of its predecessor, probably because it was marketed as more of a standalone title. How It Represents The Game: One of the best things about Portal€™s cover is that, as simple as the design may be, it practically explains everything you need to know about the revolutionary gameplay. In this way the cover acts not just as the artwork but also as the game€™s instruction manual. Part of the reason why Portal was such an incredible gaming experience was because the gameplay was so simple yet so compelling and the uncomplicated, effortlessly beautiful cover reflects this fact with a restraint never before witnessed in the history of box artwork. So there we have it? Have we missed an exceptional pieces of art? Any box art covers that deserve to be in this list? Let us know in the comments section below.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.