17 Best Video Game Covers Of All-Time

13. StarCraft (1998)

Why It's Great: The orange glow of the Protoss' eyes makes it difficult to look away from the cover of what is easily the most important real time strategy game ever made. The alien being is sandwiched between a human and a Zerg Hydralisk. It's beneficial to the cover's effectiveness that the human isn't the main subject matter €“ when all is said and done, aliens are so much more awesome. How It Represents The Game: The main reason why StarCraft is so much better than the strategy games which had preceded it is because it featured three completely unique playable factions. Prior to the release of StarCraft, RTS games had always featured armies which looked ever-so-slightly different to one another but which were identical to play as. StarCraft's cover makes it clear that the game's biggest selling point is its three incredible races, with each of the three figures representing their faction on the cover. Each army have their own strengths, weaknesses and motives. For example, the Protoss are costly and extremely powerful while the Zerg are cheap but can be used to swamp an opponent.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.