17 Best Video Game Covers Of All-Time

12. Dead Space (2008)

Why It's Great: There's something oddly captivating about seeing a severed arm floating through space. It's something which is appalling but which we can't take our eyes off of. Dead Space's cover is incredibly dark but it achieves this effect without revealing the identity of the sinister beings which have severed this arm €“ namely the Necromorphs. In this way the cover is both horrifying and mysterious; what a feat in box art! How It Represents The Game: When it was released Dead Space felt like the first game in years to have properly made a return to survival-horror principles. The games protagonist, Isaac, was isolated, ammo supplies were scarce and the enemies were utterly terrifying. Dead Space€™s cover announces the fact that the game contained within is going to be one of the darkest, most intensely unsettling experiences you€™ve had for years. The literal blackness of the cover is also indicative of how shadowy the gaming experience is, with Isaac venturing into the depths of the overrun USG Ishimura and its many, dimly-lit corridors. Cutting off limbs is a huge part of the gameplay so it is fitting that it is represented on the front cover.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.