17 Classic Video Games That Must Be Remade

4. Battletoads

Battletoads - Turbo Tunnel

Original Release Date: June 1, 1991

Battletoads is one of the most infamously difficult video games ever made, a ludicrously challenging beat 'em up-platformer that's incredibly popular both in spite and because of its punishing nature.

Requiring pitch-perfect timing and dexterity, it's safe to say that if you resorted to using an emulator and save states to make it to the end, nobody could blame you.

Still, it's an incredibly entertaining game from a mechanical and aesthetic perspective, and that rarest of brutally difficult games you won't be able to turn away from.

How Likely Is It?: A remake has actually been hinted at numerous times over the years, with the IP actually having its trademark renewed back in 2014 and subsequently being included in the Rare Replay collection the very next year.

An HD remake of the original game is pretty likely in the near-future, especially as it wouldn't require a ton of money, time or effort, and the game's popularity and legendary stature speaks for itself.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.