17 Most Violent Video Game Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

14. The Lizard - Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain is total genius - to hell with the idea of it being anything less.

To that end, it posited a brilliantly resonant question: How far would you go to save someone you love? An age-old setup, sure, but in David Cage's hands, it turned into the hostage-taking Origami Killer holding your son to ransom, unless you mutilated yourself on camera.

Or... you could leave, triggering one of many endings for the entire story.

The removal of a piece of your finger was what was needed, and options included scissors (ew), knives (oh god), burning a rebar bent and scorching it off (that's just too much) or a saw (the quickest way, yet one that feels the worst).

You could find whiskey to numb the pain or a piece of wood to bite down on, but the question remained: Could you do it?

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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