17 Secret Video Game Bosses You Need To Beat Before You Die

17. Pokémon Gold & Silver - Trainer Red

How you get there: Getting to Trainer Red in the original Pokémon Gold & Silver is a journey that's a relative breeze in comparison to some of the other entries you're going to encounter on this list, but it's still no walk in the park.

Before you can even face-off against the world's most renowned Pokémon trainer, you have to see the credits roll. So yeah, that means gathering all those cheap gym badges and subsequently tackling (and beating) the Elite Four. Only then will the passage to the summit of Mt. Silver be opened for you to reach.

Why you need to beat them: Because if you really want to label yourself as the best Pokémon trainer there ever was, you'll be nothing but a cheap imitation of a champion until you kick Red's ass. The strongest NPC in the game doesn't even have time to verbally abuse you - he's too cool for words - he'll just bombard you with some ellipsis and then pull you into the battle to end all battles.

Beware: Red's entire team is made up of level 80+ Pokémon, including practically every element. Oh, and there's a Snorlax to contend with too. You know, that morbidly obese, lazy fat shield that has more defence than a nuclear deterrent.


Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.