18 Best Indie Games Of The Decade (So Far)
8. Nidhogg
Yes, that was a game made in 2014 and yes, it's even on PS4 - but no, it's not being powered by a potato, instead Nidhogg's premise is extremely simple; doubling as the reason it's one of the best multiplayer games of the last few years.
On the face of it, this may just look like two badly-animated stacks of polygons trying to kill each other - and the latter is definitely true, but there's actually quite a lot of proficiency in the controls, not to mention the core premise of sprinting like the devil to the opposite side of the screen to score a win brings about constantly changing Superbowl-style runs as each player attempts to gain the upper hand.
Soon enough the speed of play and frequency of jumping feels like second-nature, the moves available that range from throwing your blade to catch your opponent unawares to downing him with unarmed punches and kicks are plentiful and frantic, and you're even partaking in the multi-level fencing system where you second-guess what height your opponent's sword is at if things get up-close and personal.
In short there's far more to Nidhogg's appearance than meets the eye, and although it can be played online, it's with friends and copious amounts of alcohol, pizza or both that really bring it to life.