18 Best Moments From The Batman: Arkham Video Games

5. Fighting Mr. Freeze

If there's one area where Rocksteady have struggled to find a foothold, it's the boss fights.

For Arkham City, the developers wisely did away with the uninspired roll-stun-punch template of the previous installment and crafted a series of inventive, character-specific battles which took full advantage of Batman's arsenal. And while they may have stumbled towards the end (the Clayface fight in particular was a drag for the most part), the earlier battles with Ra's al Ghul and Mr. Freeze proved to be the most memorable.

But as awesome as the trippy Ra's fight might have been, it's the latter that stands head and shoulders above the rest. With a mechanized suit and a cannon capable of flash-freezing anything in the blink of an eye, the Mr. Freeze sequence applies a cat n' mouse formula to the battle, as attacking the iceman head-on is an exercise in futility (as well as a death wish).

So rather than rushing the walking icebox with little more than a flurry of fists and a prayer, you're forced to apply some lateral thinking and experiment with takedowns and gadgets to discover the most effective method of attack.

It's a boss fight tailored to Batman's on-the-fly style of cerebral kick-assery, and there wasn't a more snapshot-worthy moment of badassery than crashing through a window onto Mr. Freeze, or throwing a perfectly timed batarang as he passed by a fire extinguisher.


Carlos Jimenez hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.