18 Best Video Games Of 2016 (So Far)

16. The Witness

the witness
Thekla Inc.

The Witness isn't for everyone, and that's just great - some of the best entertainment experiences you'll ever have are unintentionally tailor-made for your own predilections and preferences. To that end, Jonathan Blow's latest is an immaculate puzzler, and for those it does resonate with, it's exemplary.

Actual game mechanics involve guiding a ball of light around a grid, with various rulesets then being applied on top. You'll find incremental diagrams around the game world that teach you the mysterious island's mechanics bit by bit, but it's up to you to seek them out and fully comprehend them before applying your knowledge to the other surrounding areas and obstacles.

The Witness.jpg
Jonathan Blow

By game's end you'll have learnt an entire language of unique systems and symbols, all denoting thought processes and formulae without reading a single written word. For that alone it's outstanding, and if you've got anything of a puzzle itch, The Witness will scratch it like nothing else.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.