18 Best Video Games Of 2017 (So Far)

3. Injustice 2

injustice 2

Tekken - and to some degree, Mortal Kombat - might be the grandaddy, the Black Sabbath, but Injustice is the Metallica.

Learning all the lessons of every major fighting game over the years, NetherRealm were once the close-but-no-cigar to Tekken's podium-topping, champagne-soaked celebrations, but no more. Injustice 2 is a monumental fighting game, one that gives you a staggering amount of characters replete with fine-tuned movesets, environmental interactions, special moves and ability toggles, before letting you apply your skills throughout.

Over the course of hundreds of hours you'll find a number of favourites, complete the truly brilliant story, spend time in the Multiverse tackling parallel dimension-twisted versions of your favourite heroes and villains, and best of all - you'll accrue hundreds upon hundreds of pieces of loot to customise each character.

Every piece is level-locked, requiring you to put the time in for the finest threads, but best of all, each one alters statistics like strength, defence, ability charge and more. There's something about an endless loot pool mixed with the entire back catalogue of DC warriors and their thousands of costume changes, that makes for an immortal sense of charm for any superhero fan.

Pair that with the best fighting mechanics of the year, difficulty spikes that test your resolve, and you have a truly outstanding, possibly career-best work for NetherRealm.

Well done guys. You did very well indeed.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.