18 Best Video Games Of 2017 (So Far)

15. Mass Effect Andromeda

Mass Effect Andromeda

Controversial for sure, though Andromeda was never the torches n' pitchfork-deserved disaster we all like to think of. Yes, its day one animations were atrocious and yes, its villain is about as cookie cutter as they come, but as a wealth of content, things to see, do and interact with, Bioware's latest Mass Effect could still be an enthralling experience.

Oh, and all those animations and facial animations we pointed and laughed at? They've been completely overhauled and replaced since launch, meaning if you hop back in now, that godawful surface layer is far more appealing.

Back to the game, and being this is Mass Effect 3's multiplayer team stepping up to bat for a full release, combat is the most fluid and seamless part of the whole thing. Nailing this core component encourages you to seek out side missions and alien camps to clear out, the narrative thrust being that you're carving a path for humanity to thrive amidst this new Andromeda galaxy.

Was it disappointing? Oh, hell yeah. But does it actually play pretty damn well, have some gorgeous planets and an overall value for money through depth of content alone? That's the more important takeaway at this point, and the answer to that is a resounding yes.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.