18 Best Video Games Of 2017 (So Far)

14. For Honor

For Honor Shinobi

It's had one HELL of a rocky life, For Honor, but at this current point in time, Ubisoft appear to have listened to the fans and reverse-fixed a number of balance and microtransaction-based issues that arose post-launch.

Focused on refining one-on-one duelling mechanics, the core of For Honor is the beating heart and constantly-electrified brain of a tactician. Ubi have made a game where every step you make towards an opponent, every attack, defensive stance, counter and meter-burn matters. Winning forces you to look your foe dead in the eye and read their animations, it challenges you to stand toe-to-toe with other warriors in a manner that very few games ever get right. In doing so, emerging victorious feels like a personal accomplishment, and that's before the lashings of in-game currency come pouring in.

For Honor is by far their most original set of game mechanics since Assassin's Creed revolutionised open-world action, and though its learning curve is a steep hill to climb, truly mastering a character can feel fantastic.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.