18 Best Video Games Of 2017 (So Far)

13. Sniper Elite 4

sniper elite 4

It's very easy to dismiss a franchise like Sniper Elite. Four instalments in, one random zombified spin-off... it's easy to think Volition's homegrown headshot-fetishist is destined for the cancellation pile.

However, four instalments don't happen without solid mechanics and loyal fans, and in Sniper Elite 4's case, that's evolved into an incredibly fun open-world game in the vein of Metal Gear Solid V.

Given a series of objectives and weapons/items to complete them, you're then left to your own devices. Of course, the sniping itself is still the big money shot - one where time slows to a crawl and the camera follows your bullet from muzzle to cranium, the resulting explosion of pulped brain matter/shattered teeth/popped testicles being a consistent highlight.

Overall, there's a feeling of confidence exuded across all of Sniper Elite 4, one that only comes from a studio flexing their muscles within a comfortable framework, whilst also knowing exactly what action fans and franchise devotees want to see.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.