18 Brutal Gaming Challenges You Must Complete Before You Die

9. Completing A Low Intelligence Run On Fallout

If you€™re looking to really handicap yourself, or you just feel like roleplaying as an idiot, then taking on the low Intelligence run in the original Fallout is the way to go. Creating a character with an Intelligence of less than 4 makes the game savage in its difficulty. Why? Well, to start with all of your dialogue options are changed from normal conversation to statements more befitting of your lacking mental faculties. And that means that most characters will either just ignore you, since they€™ve no time for idiots, or worse - try to kill you. That in turn means that pretty much all of the side-quests are blocked off, so it€™s very difficult to level up, and you€™ll miss most of the plot details. It is possible to stumble blindly through the main storyline and achieve victory €“ but it won€™t be easy for you should you attempt it.

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