18 Brutal Gaming Challenges You Must Complete Before You Die

8. Finishing Battletoads

As long as there are gamers, they will argue about what the hardest game ever made is until they€™re blue in the face. There have been some brutal games made over the years, particularly in the 80s and 90s, but one game that will always appear near the top of any €œHardest Games€ list is Battletoads. Like so many games of the era, Battletoads didn€™t believe in playing fair. There are jumps which are virtually impossible to pull off, enemies which only give you a minuscule split-second to dodge their attacks, and the spike traps that you could only avoid if you already knew about them. Oh, and you only had three lives, so once they were gone €“ well it€™s back to the beginning for you, friend. Despite its brutal difficulty, and friendly fire being decidedly on in two-player mode, Battletoads is still fondly remembered €“ and made all the more memorable by the fact that it€™s just so darned difficult to complete.

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