18 Brutal Gaming Challenges You Must Complete Before You Die

7. Surviving The Oregon Trail

For many older gamers, The Oregon Trail is the reason they can€™t sleep at night. The game is infamous for its cruelty and hostility towards anyone playing, often seemingly just for the developer's own enjoyment. Survival on the trail is no easy task. Aside from the variety notoriously contagious diseases that you€™ll contract (including, but not limited to, dysentery, cholera and measles), there are bandits who will steal all of your animals, your party members will break their limbs for no discernible reason, and every single living thing in the wild will try and either poison you or rip your head off. It€™s a miserably hideous experience, full of death, death, and more death. And yet, surviving until the end brings with it that huge sense of satisfaction that only comes from beating something you once thought impossible. If you can stand the endless setbacks and the constant failure, as well as the shocking number of deaths, and reach the end of the trail €“ well, we wouldn€™t want to cross you after that.

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