18 Essential Xbox One Games Every Owner Must Play

4. Halo: The Master Chief Collection

halo master chief collection
Microsoft/343 Industries
Saying 'remaster' is definitely a sour word this generation, as far too many developers have pretty much released the PC versions of their games from back in the day, claiming they've got 'all new' graphics or renders to shift units.

However, 343 Industries know how to actually do a proper rework of an iconic game, and although the MCC was a tire fire for the longest time, where only a handful of people could actually get connected online, after copious amounts of patching it's back to working order.

And that's only the multiplayer. Halo's campaigns are some of the greatest in FPS history, especially the first and third entries. This Collection completely revamps the older graphics engines (and includes a toggle to flick between then and now), gives you the most definitive version of every major entry and even has dedicated servers so you can experience all the old maps on a reliable connection.

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