18 Essential Xbox One Games Every Owner Must Play

13. Massive Chalice

Massive Chalice
Double Fine

In the pursuit of providing a selection of games that touches on a huge variety of genres, I'd highlight Massive Chalice as one of the coolest isometric strategy titles on the market. Putting you in the shoes of an omnipotent ruler, you're to embark on a 300 year-long battle against an evil force called the Cadence.

Battles take place XCOM-style, where you'll place troops and designate orders from above, watching for enemy movement by uncovering a 'fog of war' and organising team tactics multiple steps in advance.

Outside these fights though, you've got the 300 year timeline to take into account. This means balancing which fighters should live and defend the various settlements of your land. They're going to age, they're going to need to be married off to continue their bloodline, and you'll have to balance everything with the constant threat of encroaching enemies baying for everyone's collective blood.

It ends up playing like Game of Thrones' politics and family-fostering meeting Fire Emblem's insta-death and repercussion-heavy choices; quite the potent mix, especially from the studio that brought you Psychonauts and Grim Fandango.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.