18 Essential Xbox One Games Every Owner Must Play

12. Sunset Overdrive

sunset overdrive

If you happen to read this in April 2016, know that you can grab Sunset for free as a 'Game with Gold' on Xbox Live.

Sunset Overdrive had the awkward proposition of being the first major new IP from a veteran developer... arriving on a console more hated at the time than that new Ghostbusters trailer.

As such, Insomniac's prowess accrued through both Ratchet & Clank only got them so far with the wider public, and it's now in retrospect where you can revisit this and really have fun with it. Playing ostensibly as yourself amidst an apocalypse brought on by citizens turning into energy drink-loving mutants (yes really), it's an excuse to crank up the rendering tech and ludicrous weapons, taking the Xbox One's processors for a spin as you blast everything to kingdom come.

Across its playtime you'll spec your character to emit explosions from their feet, dodge-roll with brightly-coloured force-fields, wield a gun that fires vinyl records and bounce off car roofs to set up ground-pounds with a crowbar. Think Saints Row's more recent kitchen sink approach to game design, twin it with SSX Tricky's characterisation and shake up the can - Sunset Overdrive is that explosion.

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