18 Essential Xbox One Games Every Owner Must Play

10. Killer Instinct (Season 1 & 2)

Killer instinct

As Street Fighter V is sitting in a broken heap on Sony's shores, Killer Instinct is continually laughing heartily to itself, knowing it's a superior package for fight-fans.

And the best part? You can do the whole 'play the base game for free and buy characters later' deal that Dead or Alive 5 tried out. By therefore establishing KI as a platform for additional content, you can 'plug' in these optional extras, or buy the lot and have a full game. It's a cool way to do a fighting game where most of us only stick to a handful of characters anyway, and one that could be further iterated on.

Where gameplay and tone are concerned, KI is a fireworks display of special attacks and "C-c-c-COMBO BREAKER!!" soundbites firing off in unison. It may not have as much depth as Street Fighter, but more than makes up for it with a fighting engine that's easy to pick up and play, customisable and bolstered by some fiendish tactical options if you decide to wade in more seriously.

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