18 Greatest Last Levels In Gaming History

13. Dragonslayer - Skyrim

skyrim dragonslayer

Say what you will about the disappointing main campaign of any other Bethesda games, but the developers finally hit the nail on the head when they crafted the final level of Skyrim. Although the battle with Alduin was a rather dull affair (see, sometimes a boss fight just isn't the way you should finish your game), the Dragonborn's trip to Sovengarde, Skyrim's mystical afterlife, will be remembered as one of the greatest moments of the entire Elder Scroll series.

Until this point the main quest had never quite hit the heights and scale it should have, yet the trip to Sovengarde suddenly gave the narrative a sense of importance and grandeur that the missions up until then had been lacking entirely.

So while Skyrim, and Bethesda games in general, might never have the most well-crafted main stories, the most recent entry in the Elder Scrolls series just goes to show that a brilliantly executed final level can make up for 20 hours of mediocrity.

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