18 Greatest Last Levels In Gaming History

14. Episode 5 - The Walking Dead Season 1

Armless, beaten and bitten, Lee Everett, your main character in Telltale's The Walking Dead finds himself saved from a horde of zombies by Clementine. However, trapped inside a garage with nothing but a steel sheet separating them and thousands of walkers, and with Lee slowly turning into one of the same undead himself, you're given no other choice than to say your goodbyes, leaving little Clem on her own to face the harsh outside apocalyptic world.

While Episode 5 in general acts as one long dark hurrah to an emotionally devastating title, this level in particular (although with Telltale games, that a pretty difficult thing to quantify) acts as the most heartbreaking goodbye you'll ever see in a video game. As your character succumbs to the zombie virus ravaging his body, he gives Clem a last few words of advice before seeing her off in a heartfelt goodbye.

A gunshot rings, Lee is dead, and Clem is left to face the outside horde on her own. It's a cripplingly bleak ending, but one of the most memorable in gaming history.

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