18 Greatest Role-Playing Games Of The Decade (So Far)

8. Fallout 4

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Speaking of fantastic pairings of game design and narrative, for all its shortcomings as a story, Fallout 4 still gives any player a bigger sense of agency and character design than almost anything else on this list.

Shooting was revamped considerably after Bethesda got the DOOM chaps, iD Software, in to help, and it's paid dividends as for the first time in the series' entire history, as its first-person blasting is actually a joy to experience.

The very act of literal 'role playing' in terms of carving your own path through the wasteland has amounted to Bethesda releasing a ton of additional DLC packs, too, comprising everything from monster battles to more in-depth settlement design, missions and even 'build your own robot companion'.

Whilst it may skew a little too much towards the Minecraft crowd for its own good, if you like your Fallout with more than a few slices of literal world-building and A.I. experimentation, you'll be in heaven.

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