18 Greatest Role-Playing Games Of The Decade (So Far)

12. Dragon's Dogma

dragon's dogma

Take Monster Hunter's epic battles, add some Dark Souls-esque dynamic online components, top it off with meaty combat and you have Dragon's Dogma.

Whilst its key ingredients are fantastic, sadly Dragon's Dogma didn't catch on with as wide an audience as it should. Still, progression throughout is constantly rewarding with a ton of new abilities, and the group-fights against sky-filling beasts are always a delight.

However, the really cool thing comes with training your own series of 'Pawns'. These mindless followers will disappear off into other peoples' games, returning with experience and the spoils of their travels, ostensibly ranking up even when you're away from the controller.

It all feeds into an incredibly addictive gameplay loop, and one you should totally check out if given the opportunity.

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