18 Hugely Anticipated Video Games That Must Be At E3 2015

4. Tom Clancy's The Division

There's a rather large genre-gap that needs filling in 2015; the third-person shooter. Enter The Division, something that although it's another Ubisoft title has an air of IO Interactive's vastly underrated gem Freedom Fighters about it, is tying in some cross-platform gameplay (grab your mobile app and supply backup as a drone) with a gritty post-apocalypse set-up, and a generally weighty sense of gunplay that's sure to make every firefight as brutal as possible. Ever since Gears of War essentially fell apart following the close of 3 and the forgettable cash-in that was Judgment, it's been over to first-person shooters to fill the boots of any high octane-loving gamer, and although the general tone of Division looks to be favouring a more disparate Last of Us-style "Dude, where's my humanity?" approach, if it plays as tightly as the trailers look, this could be much-needed re-purposed military shooter after so many identikit first-person experiences.
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E3 2015
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