18 Hugely Anticipated Video Games That Must Be At E3 2015

1. A Dedicated Oculus Rift/Project Morpheus Title

Ever since it was shown and the first reports came back at just how unbelievably effective this technology is, the realisation that this is the next-gen technology that should've heralded in the new hardware jump is abundantly clear. So far the Oculus has performed so well that Facebook themselves bought up the company behind it, and that was before Sony entered the market with their Project Morpheus, Valve revealed their Vive and Samsung their Gear VR - all vying for your retina-trapped attention going forward. The thing is though, sure they're a laugh for Google Earth demos and experiencing fake experiences like roller-coasters and going deep-sea diving, but on the games front there's not been any IPs created specifically for the technology that make you really want to purchase it. Sony (or Microsoft with their HoloLens headset) need to stride out onto the stage and showcase either an entirely new genre, something whose mechanics are tied to the unique features of the hardware, or an otherwise exclusive experience that convinces the world this is more than a very well-performing gimmick. What are you dying to see make an appearance at E3 this June? Let us know in the comments!
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