18 Hugely Anticipated Video Games That Must Be At E3 2015

2. Gears Of War 4

Creative mastermind Cliff Bleszinski is long gone from Epic after helping out with the original trilogy, but newcomers Black Tusk have picked up the pieces - alongside original Epic team member Rod Fergusson - and are hard at work putting something together (hopefully) for a release later this year. Gears itself is the pioneer of the 'stop n' pop' cover system that everybody and their granny ripped off in the subsequent years after release (despite it originating with Project Winback and Kill.Switch in 1999 and 2003 respectively), and alongside The Division has the potential to reintroduce gamers to how fantastic third-person shooters really can be when they're done right. Information's thin on the ground outside of it being worked on, and whether the reveal will be as fantastic as Bleszinski bursting through the E3 staging with an actual Lancer rifle is just something you'll have to wait to see, but with some of the most loveable characters, memorable lines, stupidly enjoyable custom-set pieces (like going chainsaw-happy for a few minutes) and gameplay that was perfected on the last generation - there's always going to be a huge demand for another entry in the series.
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E3 2015
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