18 Hugely Anticipated Video Games That Must Be At E3 2015

14. Star Fox (Wii U)

One of Nintendo's long-forgotten franchises... until one person mentions it and an entire roomful of people go "Oh yeah that game... what have Nintendo been doing all these years?" Well, aside from the Dinosaur Planet re-skin that turned into Star Fox Adventures, last year's official video stream showed a new sequel functioning on a Wii U in the background of an interview, so we know there's some semblance of code being put together. How it'll play, what open-world elements it'll incorporate and even if it'll factor anything in from Ninty's newly-minted mobile phone deal is another matter - at the end of the day the Wii U is selling horribly, and is in desperate need of some grade-A titles that can ensnare a wider audience through playability alone. E3 is the perfect place to show all of this off in abundance.
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E3 2015
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