18 Hugely Anticipated Video Games That Must Be At E3 2015

15. Fallout 4

Between Fallout 4, Half-Life 3 and The Last Guardian they've become quite the trilogy of hype-builders that never materialise in the end, but for F4 at least there's a modicum of believability this time that elevates it over its peers - the fact Bethesda have their own conference. However the fact of the matter is that nowhere on the invite for said conference does Fallout even get a mention, meaning either it's a no-show again, or it's going to be their showstopper of an ending that reduces every fan to tears of joy within seconds of its appearance. Regardless, Bethesda have remained tight-lipped on the whole thing for years now, and with Elder Scrolls Online not being the all-in blockbuster they need it to be, surely there's got to be something Fallout-related tucked away in the wings? All fans want is an official confirmation to go off - and at the very least a title card or something that proves it's being worked on would suffice.
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E3 2015
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