18 Most Iconic Sounds In Video Game History
17. Finish Him - Mortal Kombat (1992)

Children in the early 1990s all wanted to get their hands on Mortal Kombat. The game combined the thrill of watching an 18-rated action or horror movie without your parents’ permission and the ability to perform the brutal acts yourself. It might look dated by today’s standards, but Mortal Kombat oozed cool back in the day.
The announcer shouting “Finish Him!” was the moment everyone waited for. This signified it was time to perform a finishing move, ripping someone’s spine out, crushing an opponent’s head or setting them on fire.
Sadly, what usually happened was a big old nothing. The time spent learning the button combination for the finishing move often proved to be too brief, resulting in a hashed attempt and the helpless victim simply being punched to the ground. But when it worked, boy was it worth it (and grim).