19 Best Video Game Moments From E3 2016

2. Visceral's Star Wars Game (Which Is Almost Definitely About Han Solo)

Star wars ea

Okay, I'm not saying EA's licensed game with Visceral will 'obviously' be Han Solo-themed, but it definitely makes the most sense.

For a start, Visceral have tweeted out a number of images and iconography relating to Han Solo across the last year (although they've since been deleted, which is always a smoking gun these days). The footage is set on Tatooine, and we've established timeline-wise that it's during the original trilogy, thanks to the Empire's logos on the unfurling flags.

Now, which character would fit best in a prequel setting on Tatooine? Mr. Solo, of course.

The footage confirms it's a third-person adventure rather like 1313, and if that means we get to play as Han in all the events leading up to his meeting with Luke and Obi-Wan, it's going to be incredible.

Lastly, Han Solo's 2018 movie is set before the trilogy too, making this perfect fodder for a tie-in.

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E3 2016
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