19 Scariest Video Game Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

12. Moira Asylum - Thief (2014)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzaLWnO6J74 Despite not being a horror franchise, the Thief series has flirted with the genre on more than one occasion, and the reboot continues the tradition with yet another horror-centric level which takes place in an abandoned asylum (go figure). Right from the get-go the doors slam shut behind you as you enter the asylum, establishing that malevolent entities have indeed taken up residence in the building. From there, it's a test of sheer fortitude as you make your way into the bowels of the asylum. Eidos Montreal really pulled out all the stops here, and you'll witness all manner of paranormal activity as you stalk down the corridors - wheelchairs rolling down hallways of their own accord, showers turning on without so much as a spin, and an apparition which hovers above a stage. All the familiar horror tropes are on display here, but it's all so well-crafted that it never becomes predictable. And as you encounter one unexplainable event after another, you'll be tempted to scout out every room before entering to maintain some semblance of control. That would definitely be a mistake though, as the developers anticipated this very reaction, so it's safe to say you'll think twice before approaching another keyhole.

Carlos Jimenez hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.