19 Things We Learned From The Metal Gear Solid Series

8. Liking Your Own Facebook Status Is Not The Only Way To High-Five Yourself

Hideo Kojima has found another way; you simply create a franchise that goes on long enough to develop a character everybody would love to be seen with, and then motion-capture yourself into the game, free to be carried around by everyone's favourite one-liner-quipping badass to your heart's content.

7. History Will Repeat Itself To A Ridiculous Degree

"Age hasn't slowed you down one bit!" "Kept you waiting huh?"
'George Lucas Syndrome' should be something hunted down 'til the ends of the Earth and tranquillised with a heady dose of fan-reaction. That being said, over the past 14 years Kojima has established an increasingly wider-reaching world now split off into two distinct timelines, with two main protagonists and a set of characters to each. The problem though? The ease of which it is to look upon the gigantic board that must be erected in Kojima's HQ, replete with character pictures and threads tying everything together - Father, Sister, Clone, Killed By, Don't Know etc. - and simply start connecting the portraits together for the sake of it. The point it went a bit too far though, is in Ground Zeroes we now have Otacon's father Huey communicating the EXACT same line of dialogue to Snake's father Big Boss, as his son did to Snake in the modern timeline, with the two scenarios playing out the same way. Obviously meant as a fun wink to the fans, but because of new voice actor Kiefer Sutherland's weird rushed delivery, it just sounds a bit forced.
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Gaming Editor

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