20 Awesome PS3 Exclusives You Need to Play Before Getting A PS4

2. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

Metal Gear Solid 4 War. War never changes. If you've never played a Metal Gear game before, this one probably will be lost on you. It's storyline is full of so many twists and turns you'd have no clue what was going on unless you'd at least have played a couple of the others, so make sure you do just that with the newly released MGS: Legacy Collection or the HD collection before you play this one. If you have played MGS before - you'll know just how important this one is. Guns of the Patriots is an absolute marvel from beginning to end. Admittedly gametime compared to cinematics is generally quite low, but when the cinematics are done as well as this, you can forgive it. Apart from the last scenes, which drag on so much it's unreal. When you do get to play MGS4, it's phenomenal. It channels the spirit of all MGS games before it, adds new mechanics such as adaptive camouflage which takes on the appearance of what you're near, and includes the series' trademark epic boss battles. It also includes a profoundly moving section that harkens right back to the very first time many of us were introduced to Solid Snake and being able to retread those halls still gives me chills to this day. There's no doubt that MGS has left its mark on the gaming industry, and MGS4 was a fitting sendoff to a characters who had been through so much for the last couple of decades. Plus Metal Gear Solid V is coming out soon, and you'll need to be fully clued up on what's going on or you'll have no hope whatsoever of understanding it. I don't really know what's going on in the series most of the time, but multiple playthroughs have shed some light.
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.