20 Best Hidden Gaming Gems Of 2015

18. Lara Croft GO

Mobile games have devolved into a miasma of microtransactions and shameless money-grabs, but when the right developer with the right intention plays to its strengths as a short-term entertainment medium, you get fantastic little titles like Lara Croft GO. A spiritual sequel to Hitman GO, Croft's take on the formula retains the grid-based movement that sets up all sorts of puzzles revolving around enemy placement and item usage, but loses the minimalist diorama aesthetic for more of an old-school polygonal look. It's almost like a trip back to the Tomb Raiders of old, albeit jazzed up and smoothed over to appeal to newer users. Actual tomb-raiding and contemplation are needed to progress here, and although Lara's latest high-profile adventure, Rise of the Tomb Raider, is one of the best action games of the last 10 years, this traditional throwback will put an ear-to-ear smile on every gamer from a certain generation.
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