Looking like something that depicts the animals of Farthing Wood going to war, Armello is a hard-as-nails top-down strategy powerhouse of turn-based combat and resource management. It started out life as a Kickstarter project, thankfully receiving enough funding to make the leap to PC and Mac before finally gracing the PS4 with its fantastical presence. You can tell immediately after booting it up that developers League of Geeks wanted to port across their love for table-top strategy into the digital realm, and if you've seen anything of the brilliant Dungeons n' Dragons-with-furry creatures, Mouse Guard, it's a similarly chivalrous tone that's out in force. As such, there's an absolute ton of information to parse and understand, from your own character's abilities to the card-based buffs you can burn to turn the tide in battle. It can be overwhelming to the point of not being for everyone, but it was never supposed to be, either. Like the developer's namesake, if you consider yourself anything of a geek and are proud to take the time to learn a set of systems inside out, Armello can be supremely rewarding on a level that only strategy titles provide.