20 Best Moments From E3 2014

2. The Legend Of Zelda Wii U Is Open-World, Due 2015

It's the game everyone was waiting for during Nintendo's Digital Event, and though we didn't exactly get a huge glimpse at it, what they delivered certainly whetted our collective appetites. Franchise director Eiji Aonuma stated that they want to emphasise exploration above all else, and made it clear that the new Zelda game would be open-world, while our attention was fixed on a rather familiar-looking, not to mention gorgeous, background. Eventually that background springs to life, and Link, riding Epona, speeds through a forest as a mechanical monster of some kind gives chase. The 45-second trailer ends with Link diving into the air to attack the monster, firing some sort of laser-activated weapon from his bow. We didn't get a title nor a solid release date beyond "2015", but at least Nintendo fans can rest easy that one of the company's most-valued properties appears to be in safe, beautiful hands.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.