20 Best Moments From E3 2014

3. Batman: Arkham Knight's Incredible Batmobile Gameplay

E3 also saw our first lengthy glimpse at gameplay from Rocksteady's upcoming Batman: Arkham Knight, and boy, does it look amazing or what? The clip opens with Bats inside his high-rise apartment, before taking a dive off the ledge as we get a look at the game's incredible draw-distance. Batman eventually lands on the ground, just as the Batmobile pulls up and he dives inside, driving around at tremendous speeds and destroying scenery, before pulling out the big guns (literally) and blowing up just about any enemy vehicle in sight. Without a moment's notice, Bats then ejects out of the Batmobile to fly around some more, beating the living snot out of some goons, before we eventually cut to a dark monologue from the game's main villain, Scarecrow, who frankly has never looked better. Batman: Arkham Knight is out sometime in 2015.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.