Another brainchild game from Rare that led to a popular series, Banjo-Kazooie revolves around the adventures of a bear called Banjo and a bird called Kazooie, as they attempt to save Banjo's sister Tooty from the grasp of evil witch Gruntilda, who wishes to take her beauty all for herself. Players must combine Banjo and Kazooie's individual skills to collect musical notes and jigsaw pieces to progress through the world, though for the achievement hunters, there are also a ridiculous number of other trinkets you can waste hours trying to hunt down. Unlike Donkey Kong, it never really puts you in a tiresome, repetitive position, and knows just when to change things up to keep the gameplay fresh and fun. Frequently compared to the King of the N64 platformers Super Mario 64, Kazooie is a worthy follow-up that boasts impeccable level design, a surprisingly smart and memorable story, well-drawn characters and, of course, two immensely loveable protagonists.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.