20 Best N64 Games Ever

1. GoldenEye 007

And now we've come to the big one, the game that stole away more of our homework time than any other game in existence. Rare completely blew the lid off both the console FPS game and video game adaptations of movies in one fell swoop with Goldeneye 007, which while suffering from dodgy controls (even at the time) manages to transcend this with its cinematic appeal and game-changing multiplayer mode. As if an explosive single-player mode wasn't enough (aside from that damn Natalya mission, of course), the multiplayer mode soon revealed itself as a cruel, time-sucking maiden, capable of winding the clock forward 6 hours before you realise what's happened. With three buddies, there was just nothing else like this in 1997. The multiplayer maps were varied and consistently brilliant, though the fan favourite is unquestionably Facility, which resulted in countless toilet-based stand-offs with Proximity Mines. The weapons were plentiful and destructive, though what really made the multiplayer sizzle was the array of modes available, such as You Only Live Twice (which is self explanatory) and The Man With the Golden Gun, in which a Golden Gun (which gives one-shot kills) is placed on the map, and the only way to obtain it is to kill the previous owner. This is without even talking about the cheats, such as DK Mode, which gave everyone giant heads, only making the game even more hilarious and deranged. Did we miss any of your favourite N64 games? Let us know in the comments!
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.