20 Best PlayStation Games Of The 2000s

7. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (2007)

Uncharted Drakes Fortune
Naughty Dog

From its cinematic opening to all of the scenes in between the action, Uncharted is a AAA beauty to behold. It has it all: enthralling story, engaging characters, exciting gunfights, stellar voice acting and most importantly, Nathan Drake.

Uncharted introduces Nathan Drank as a treasure hunter who’s a cross between Indiana Jones and Han Solo. The player guides Nathan Drake as he goes on an adventure to hunt the lost treasure of El Dorado, as chronicled by the famous explorer (and ancestor), Sir Francis Drake. The game takes the player on a ride from raiding lost tombs in a secret island on the Caribbean, to fighting modern day pirates on a boat battle out in open sea.

The game was a hit was because of its gameplay, which is divided into action adventure and 3D platforming, all in a third person perspective. Nathan Drake can climb walls, swim, move along ledges and swing from ropes ala Lara Croft in Tomb Raider. Additionally, he can engage in epic gunfights as he scrolls between shotguns, machine guns, pistols and grenade launchers.

This makes for a perfect video game experience that set the stage for three more installments in the years to come.

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Avid gamer and movie buff. Father to a gorgeous baby girl and husband to an amazing wife.