20 Best PlayStation Games Of The 2000s

5. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (2004)

GTA San Andreas Jetpack

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is the bestselling Playstation 2 game of all time. It was clouded in controversy due to its portrayal of violence and sex in today’s society but it was also praised for its gameplay, music and story. Of course, it was violent, but damn if it wasn’t fun.

The story involves Carl returning to his home town of Liberty City following his mother’s death. As the story progresses, he rejoins his old gang members and fights with the police as he investigates the secrets behind the murder of his mother.

While the story is great, the real fun, however, lies in the number of things you can do. Players can do anything a 3D platforming game character can do and more importantly, beat the living #$%& out of a random pedestrian. This allows players to choose how they want to play the game, be it getting in a car and mowing down pedestrians or engaging in random battles with local cops and trying to evade them in a thrilling car chase.

In addition to this, you can literally steal any vehicle and you’re treated to a medley of radio stations with an assortment of different genres.

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Avid gamer and movie buff. Father to a gorgeous baby girl and husband to an amazing wife.