20 Best PlayStation Games Of The 2000s

4. God Of War (2005)

God Of War Hydra Battle

The game’s title automatically alludes to an adventure of epic proportions, referencing Ares, the Greek God of War. Greek Mythology wasn’t a genre that had been explored in the video game medium and it provided a blank canvas on which Santa Monica Studios created its masterpiece. From graphics to gameplay, God of War excelled on every front, providing a compelling story that immersed the gamer in a violent and visceral video game experience that was virtually unmatched at the time.

From the very first level, where the main character Kratos’ ship is being attacked by the fabled Hydra monster and you’re forced to fight its many heads and fend off Ares’ dead army, the gameplay is relentless and it never stops.

Then there’s the story, as you get subtle glimpses of Kratos’ past and hints as to how he went from a respectable Spartan Captain to serving Ares as his instrument of destruction. It’s a well written story of deceit, tragedy and ultimately, vengeance, as you venture from the temple of Poseidon to the pits of Hades.

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Avid gamer and movie buff. Father to a gorgeous baby girl and husband to an amazing wife.