20 Best Stealth Video Games Of All Time

10. Castle Wolfenstein

While 005 may be its closest competition in terms of the genesis of stealth, Castle Wolfenstein is clearly the better game of the two and is such an arresting experience that will lock you in. It may look tame compared to the games that come out today, but Castle Wolfenstein was so impressive for 1981 and was instrumental in helping to create the stealth video game. It's oddly harrowing to run through this bare bones castle, the pitch black background serving as an ominous warning to the potential fate that awaits you inside its walls. The silence speaks volumes, as well, and is only broken by the disturbing digitized voices of Nazi soldiers that you encounter. It's one of those games that does so much with what little it has, a testament to the skill of the late Silas Warner and the ability to create something magical out of a simple concept.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.