20 Best Video Game Exclusives Of The Generation

6. Horizon Zero Dawn

horizon zero dawn

Almost like the game equivalent of breathing fresh air and countryside after toiling away in the dark for far too long, Guerrilla Games FINALLY being able to do something other than Killzone had us screaming, "Why didn't this happen earlier?!"

Horizon is simply bursting with potential. Its world is a unique "post-post-apocalypse" where robo-dinosaurs and animals have replaced their more natural counterparts. As Aloy, the descendant of a tribe with no knowledge of why the world is this way, but driven to find the identity of your mother, the resultant story is arguably the most consistently enjoyable of the entire generation.

Twists, turns, mind-blowing revelations and tons of ultra cool sci-fi tech mixed with a luscious overworld, Horizon arrived fully formed.

Aloy is now an iconic PlayStation mascot, sequel "Forbidden West" is spearheading the first year of PS5 exclusives, and Zero Dawn itself is that rare kind of open-world adventure where the world contributes to gameplay and story in equal measure.

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