20 Best Video Game Opening Levels Of The Last 10 Years

20. Darth Vader's Massacre On Kashyyyk - Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Like some Star Wars fever dream made digital, the opening to TFU is like the end of Rogue One when Vader obliterates an entire ship's worth of pawn-level enemies, cranked up to a ridiculous degree.

You're actually landing on Kashyyyk, so all those enemies are hapless wookies, "Mawww"-ing their way into the distance as you force-throw them off cliffs and through trees. The Force Unleashed was one of the first games to really prioritise Havok physics, and playing as Darth Vader, LucasArts embraced their inner fanboy, allowing him to smash through towering gates, splinter forestation and scatter waves of foes at once.

Think Sauron at the beginning of Fellowship of the Ring - it was that level of power, but with a lightsaber, the Imperial March in the background, and Vader's menacing breathing making it feel like a brisk walk in the park.

The Force is on steroids with this one.

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