20 Best Video Game Opening Levels Of The Last 10 Years

19. Taking The Stage - Guitar Hero: Metallica

Yes, it's as subjective as love for metal and Metallica themselves, but unlike the many other themed rhythm game tie-ins like Guitar Hero: Aerosmith and AC/DC, Guitar Hero; Metallica rivalled The Beatles: Rock Band in providing a fan-pleasing package of pure brilliance.

How does that manifest? Well, by having the game drop you into a slow-motion introductory sequence where the 'Tallica boys are strolling to the stage, the crowd going crazy around them. Cameras flash, pyro explodes and their iconic 'Ecstasy of Gold' plays out in the background (the same intro theme the band have used for their entire career).

Immediately the band jump into For Whom the Bell Tolls, and you're right there with them, commanding a mix of James Hetfield and Kirk Hammett's rhythm and lead guitar lines, all as video game versions of the band headbang in tow.

It might just be another Guitar Hero spin-off, but for every hard rock and heavy metal fan, it was heaven.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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