COD is in a weird spot right now, having diverted from the World War 2/Modern Warfare mould through Advanced Warfare's more sci-fi orientated story, Black Ops 3 doubles down on it completely, ushering in a Matrix-like tale of deceptive realities and the power of technology in an bio-augmented future. Thus, some fans have been split right down the middle, although it's by diverging so far away from these established tropes that gives the whole thing a new lease of life. The story itself is thrilling and exciting once again, as for the first time in years we've got new mechanics to the core gameplay such as chaining melee hits together, boosting in various directions (a returning feature from AW) and buffing your suit with a handful of awesome mods. Multiplayer is as tight as always - with additional specific classes and their abilities to spice things up - the overall presentation just drips wealth and money being thrown at it thanks to Activision's never-ending coffers. If you're up for a high-octane hurricane of explosions, gunfire and mech-based combat, Black Ops 3 is an absolute gem.